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THEICEBANK online mall

TheIceBank.com offers three different options: 1-Personal shopping, 2-Expanding your market for your business, or 3-Raising funds for your website.

Personal Shopping

Enter our online mall to visit companies that market through us for various deals, both services and merchandise. Over time there will be significantly more options and deals to be found as we expand our client base.

We may have advertisers not registered on this site that have products available. These advertisers are NOT offered on a pay-per-click option but we do receive a commission if you purchase their products or services.

Any advertisers registered on our site available in our mall will be recorded in your report but will e charged a minimal pay-per-click for any click-throughs.

Shop Now


Expand your market for your online business through strategically providing/creating banner and text ads to be placed on other websites. You can control your ad placement by approving webmaster requests to display your ads (and revoke at any time)

Payment is required in advance (min $50) and operates on a "pay-per-click" declining balance option. We carefully track to ensure only unique clicks are recorded to ensure you are never over-billed and get the most value for your money. Multiple click-throughs from duplicate IP addresses will not be recorded within a 30-day period of the first click.

Real time reporting is available to monitor your account status and you will be re-billed when your account balance reaches $10 to ensure no break in service.

Reconciliation of account transactions occurs monthly.

If you are listed in our mall "occupants," any click-throughs will be recorded at a minimum click amount..

Minimum $5/year charge to maintain an active account.

Create a Vendor Account now


As a webmaster myself, I understand the need to generate income to maintain a quality website. By registering through our site, you can browse through advertisers for suitable products and services that appeal to visitors of your personal or company site or blog.

You will be paid on a "pay-per-click" basis when your account balance reaches $50 payable by cheque or PayPal.

Any suspicious or repeated clicks from a single device that appear to be false or routed through a random IP generator will result in suspsion of your account and all payments will be null and void.

Real-time reporting is available to measure your clicks/income.

Reconciliation of account transactions occurs monthly.

Flagged or suspicious IP Addresses will appear in your report.


Create a Webmaster Account now
